Monday, January 12, 2009

Unforeseen Consequences

The snow is now past Trekker’s belly and he has to bunny hop or plow through the yard, but it doesn’t lower his enthusiasm for the white stuff. Trek wiggles, barks, and nips Shiloh to get him to partake in a chase game through the new snow. Shiloh engages in the chase. Usually Trekker is able to run and weave quickly through the yard so that Shiloh’s double size is never a problem. Today what he hadn’t counted on was the snow slowing him. There was no contest. Trek runs and Shiloh brings him down. Trek runs Shiloh brings him down. The lesson of the day—chase game works better with one less inch of snow on the ground or only playing with someone else who also has short legs!

Thanks so much for the corgi insights. Being new to the corgi world I have no baseline info. It’s nice to hear from those that know.

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