Monday, December 1, 2008

Snow Treasures

A little background information is needed—Shiloh has never been much for toys. When he’s had them it has been a matter of minutes before his powerful jaws chews them apart. Yet he loves the sound of squeaky toys. Last summer I found a squeaker that seems to have lasted. Or more accurately, Shiloh hides so that Trekker can’t confiscate. Trekker, on the other hand, loves his toys. His feelings are the more the better; he doesn’t seem to have favorites. Knowing Trekker’s passion for toys, Shiloh regularly takes away Trekker’s toys and lays on top of them just for kicks.
Now on to the story—Trekker has decided it is his mission to burrow up all the backyard snow. Mother Nature seems to need a relocation crew of one. Finally as he got to the perimeter of the yard the burrower hit a jack pot, a squeaky toy. To be more specific, Shiloh’s precious squeaking bone that he had carefully hidden. Trekker pranced the yard displaying his new treasure, that is until Shiloh caught sight of what Trekker was holding. Shiloh marched over to Trekker and grabbed it away from him. Trekker tried to quickly retrieve the toy back, but Shiloh was having none of that. Trekker then tried the “I’m telling Mom” whine. When I wouldn’t intervene Trekker tried sneak attacks and direct attacks. None worked. Shiloh was keeping the beloved squeaker. Shiloh kept the bone in his mouth or right next to him even taking it up on the deck for safe keeping. When it was time to go inside Shiloh stood aside and let Trekker in first, set the bone down outside, right in front of the slider, and came inside. He then lay on the rug in front of the slider so that he could warmly keep watch. This leaves me wondering what goes on inside his devious mind. Why didn’t he bring squeaker inside? Maybe, it’s just one more way to torture his younger brother?


Kathy and Kim Gibson said...

Ah yes, the coveted toy...we know it well around here. Russ won a toy at his first show almost a year ago. It is the only toy that still has stuffing and a squeaker. Everytime Shaker gets a hold of it, poor poor baby get the tar beat out of him by his older brother. The message is clear...don't mess with my favorite toy!

Anonymous said...

It seems that after bringing Trekker home, we are learning more about Shiloh's personality than we ever knew before. This was a funny story.